Saturday, March 30, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

It has been awhile since I've been able to write an entry on here!  I blame it on horrible cell phone service and my busy schedule.  Most of my Soldiers have just left for their pass and will be here after Easter (hmm..I have some downtime and my Soldiers are not here...coincidence?)  I ended up having to take my pass earlier in the month since I am the UMO and the equipment needs to leave during the Easter weekend.  The realization that I'll be away for 9 months finally hit when I had to say goodbye to my little sister and parents after the end of my four-day pass :(  I am definitely looking forward to visiting them in Germany though!

I spent all of yesterday and a majority of today at the ADAC/G for final equipment prep.  Most of my equipment is rolling stock and the rest is "palletized."  Below is a picture of one of my Unit's pallets which will eventually be loaded into a military aircraft and shipped to meet us in-country.  Being the UMO for my Company was very eye opening, I have a much greater appreciation for those in the Logistical branch of the Army.  It took months of planning which included load exercises, gathering height and weight metrics, drafting pallet load diagrams, organizing ground equipment movement, and conducting inspections.  Although I enjoyed the UMO work, I am glad it will soon be over!


  I'll update this blog with some more pictures once I get in-country.  I hope you all have a great Easter! 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Ft. Hood

Arrived at Ft. Hood for the final stretch of train up before deployment!  Big news coming down from First Army, possibly moving my Company to AFG with the 1st CAV.  Crossing my fingers that happens!  Either way, I am ready to get this training over with, head to the middle east, and execute the mission.  Trying to keep my patience and remember the Army motto, "hurry up and wait!"